BMW M3 Tuning

E92 BMW M3 wrapped in Matte Pink

Ah the Canadians, we generally try not to joke too much aboot them since they are good and peaceful folk, even if they are a bit peculiar by our standards.

Take Canadian tuner RestyleIT for example. We’ve hardly heard of them when they made a custom exterior wrap for the BMW 1 Series M Coupe which had some interesting interior details.

E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink
E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink

It isn’t really a fully comprehensive sort of deal since the makeover doesn’t require much of an effort to conjure up. With this new one however, things are a little different.

The car they set to start with for the project is somewhat more serious since it’s the E92 M3, the bigger brother in the BMW lineup.

What they do with the conversion, is a little less serious however. Make that a lot less serious, since they wrap it up for a color change and it’s not the most M3 associated shade out there.

E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink
E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink

The new exterior finish chosen is pink. It’s the matte variety which is said to make things cooler these days but it’s pink nevertheless. Even with some matte black accents, the mood of the car is a bit on the girly side.

Masculine insecurity is not something that can be hidden when you’re driving around in a rumbling high performance V8 powered machine painted the same shade as a 14 year old girl’s bracelet.

E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink
E92 BMW M3 in Matte Pink

As if to make sure they’re aware of what they’re doing, the BMW badge gets its blue replaced by pink as well. How uncool is that?

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