BMW M3 Tuning

E46 BMW M3 turned to pickup

It seems that no matter how many times BMW says it, some people just can’t accept the fact that the German car maker isn’t producing any pickups.

As if there was a contest to prove how wrong they are, Bimmers keep emerging sporting the familiar pickup shape.

E46 BMW M3 Pickup
E46 BMW M3 Pickup

One of the latest iterations of BMW pickups is based on the E46 BMW M3 model, and while it did undergo severe surgery, it lost none of its brunt. In fact, it is still so potent, that the owner decided to take it to the track and show it off.

E46 BMW M3 Pickup
E46 BMW M3 Pickup

In a short video, we get to see awesome footage of said vehicle doing drifts and displaying general awesomeness on wheels. To be completely honest, the fact that the E46 BMW M3 lost a part of the rear end, it probably helped in flipping the tail out for the drifting action. But it is better that you see the M3 Pickup for yourself in the video below.

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